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2018 Outputs and Outcomes


In 2018, RBCF had 7 grooming projects located at agencies in Baltimore City, Anne Arundel County, District of Columbia, Nationwide and Internationally. The projects provided no-charge grooming services to target populations identified as lacking access to regular hair care. The 7 grooming projects combined produced 1,650 haircuts, hairstyles, and other hygienic services to a total of 1,131 unduplicated individuals.

Outcome indicators…

On 91 occasions clients served indicated that they were able to attend their job interview(s) with a neat and clean appearance

On 161 occasions clients served indicated that they were able to attend their [new] place of employment with a neat and clean appearance

On 529 occasions clients served indicated that they will now be able to attend school with a neat and clean appearance

On 344 occasions clients served indicated that they now have a maintained and/or improved appearance

These outputs and outcomes effectively reduced the problem of lack of access to grooming for clients of the following agencies in 2018 by…

*71% at Drew Hall Dormitory (Howard University) – Washington D.C. 
*54% at Maryland Center for Veterans Education and Training – Baltimore, Md.
*36% at Homeless Resource Day – Anne Arundel County, Md.
*34% at Kampala area schools – Uganda, Africa
*10% at National Academy Foundation – Baltimore, Md. 
*INC for Senior Pet Sanctuary – Anne Arundel County, Md. 
*N/A for Clippers for a Cause – Nationwide

A special thank you to all of the grantors, donors, barbers, and hairstylists who made this all possible!

Posted on January 2, 2019 By R.B.C.F.

2017 Outputs & Outcomes!

In 2017 the RBCF launched 5 grooming projects located at agencies in Baltimore City, Anne Arundel County, District of Columbia and Nationwide for target population identified as lacking access to regular grooming service. The 5 grooming projects combined produced 369 haircuts, hairstyles and 65 other hygienic services to a total of 1421 unduplicated individuals (1,522 duplicated).

As a result…

On 93 occasions clients served indicated that they will now be able to attend school with a neat and clean appearance

On 60 occasions clients served were able to attend their job interview(s) with a neat and clean appearance


These outputs and outcomes effectively reduced the problem of lack of access to grooming in for clients of the following agencies in 2017 by…

*28% at Drew Hall Dormitory (Howard University) – Washington D.C.

*28% at Homeless Resource Day – Anne Arundel County, Maryland

*46% at Family Recovery Program, Inc. – Baltimore, Maryland

*UA at Woodland Job Corps – Laurel, Maryland

*N/A for Clippers for a Cause – Nationwide


A special thank you to all of the grantors, donors, barbers and hairstylist who made this all possible!


Posted on January 11, 2018 By R.B.C.F.