RBCF Cohort Project (2022-2024) Maryland – This project was created when RBCF assessed that grooming-related outreach from barber and beauty salons in Maryland fell 33% below the nation’s average. Therefore, RBCF created a project to expand the public reach and scale effective strategies for nine grooming professionals and their respective businesses. Each cohort member worked closely with RBCF, learning the program outcome model and other capacity-building methods.
Pet Grooming Support Project (2023-2024) Baltimore, Maryland -RBCF supported activities of programs like Charm City Companions (CCC). CCC made grooming support services accessible to target pet populations with barriers to regular hair care. Serval zip codes in the Baltimore metropolitan area do not have pet grooming salons in their neighborhoods. Therefore, RBCF provided supplies, equipment for training sessions and pet grooming services for citizens in low-income communities.
Protective Hair Project (2023-2024) Anne Arundel County, Maryland – RBCF partnered with the Belo Consulting Group to provide in-person presentations on Maryland’s version of the CROWN Act. These state laws prohibit employers and schools from discriminating against employees or students who wear protective hairstyles.
Digital Harbor Hair Vocation Project (2023) Baltimore, Maryland – RBCF co-organized a one-day seven-panel discussion for thirty students seeking to enter the grooming profession.
Haircuts & Hairstyles for Henderson-Hopkins Elementary (2023) Baltimore, Maryland – RBCF provided a one-day pop-up shop for back-t0-school haircuts/hairstyles and organized year-long hair care services for students at a local barber/beauty salon.
Community Barber Leaders Project (2023) Baltimore, Maryland – RBCF supported the grooming outreach of four barbers who make grooming services accessible to populations with barriers to regular hair care. The project was created to increase the number of barbers participating in outreach to match the national average.
Sharp Dressed Man Grooming Project (2022-2023) Baltimore, Maryland—RBCF installed a two-station barbershop onsite at this agency, providing suits for returning to work. The full-service shop will also provide no-charge grooming services for clients seeking gainful employment.
Sheltered Women’s Support Project (2022-2023) Baltimore, Maryland – RBCF provided an inventory of barber & beauty supplies and additional equipment for the onsite salon at the Helping Up Mission Women’s Center. The supplies and equipment will serve 200 women and children who are clients of their transitional housing program.
Ron Brown Grooming Project (2021-2022): Northeast Washington D.C. – RBCF installed a four-station barbershop at the Ron Brown Preparatory School. The barbershop will provide no-charge haircuts to 200 students who have barriers to regular grooming services.
Student Support Project at the Center for Applied Technologies North (2021-2022) Severn, Maryland—RBCF provided free supplies to 30 vocational barber and beauty students who were identified as having barriers to maintaining their learning utensils.
Elementary Education Grooming Project (2021-2022) Annapolis, Maryland—RBCF delivered an eight-station portable barber and beauty salon to Annapolis Elementary School. The pop-up shop will provide no-charge grooming services to 40 students who lack regular grooming services.
Foster Parent Grooming Project (2021-2022) Anne Arundel, Frederick, and Howard County, Maryland – RBCF provided virtual and in-person hair care training sessions to 65 foster/adoptive/kinship care parents with the knowledge and skills to groom their placements. The project also provided no-charge grooming services to foster or adoptive care children.
Shelter Women’s Grooming Project (2021 -2022) Baltimore, Maryland—RBCF provided the equipment and supplies for the on-site salon installed at the Helping Up Mission Women’s Shelter. The equipment and supplies will help make no-charge grooming services accessible to 25 women and children who will be shelter residents.
Warner Elementary Grooming Project (2020 – 2022) Wilmington, Deleware – Installed a two-station barber/beauty salon on-site and delivered a seven-station pop-up haircutting shop to the Elamena P. Warner Elementary School. Both shops will make no-charge haircuts and hairstyles accessible to a projected 300 students who have been identified as lacking access to regular grooming services.
MacArthur Middle Grooming (2020 – 2022) Anne Arundel County – Installed a four-station barber/beauty salon onsite at MacArthur Middle School to make no-charge haircuts and hairstyles accessible to an estimated 200 students identified as lacking access to regular grooming services.
NAF Grooming Project (2018 – 2020) Baltimore City – Installed a five-station barber/beauty salon within the National Academy Foundation public school. The barber/beauty salon makes haircuts & hairstyles accessible to an estimated 320 students who are identified as having barriers to regular grooming services.
MCVET Grooming Project (2018 – 2019) Baltimore City – Installed a one-chair barber/beauty salon onsite at the Maryland Center for Veterans Education & Training.
The Ugandan Grooming Project (2019) Kampala, Africa – Supported the costs and supplies for barbers who provided no-charge haircuts to school-aged male and female students in the districts of Kampala.
The Sheltered Pet Grooming Project (2019) Anne Arundel County, Maryland & Virginia – Installed a full-service grooming salon into the Senior Pet Sanctuary pet shelter in Anne Arundel County and also provided grooming kits to 14 additional pet shelters in Virginia.
Real Life Grooming Project (2019) Richmond, Virginia – Provide free barbering kits for clients returning to the community from incarceration. The kits allow clients to provide no-charge grooming to fellow clientele.
The Clippers for a Cause Grooming Project (2017 – 2019) Nationwide – RBCF rewarded free tapering clippers to barber and beauty school students who volunteer their time providing no-charge grooming services to individuals who are homeless, enrolled in a Title One school or college/university.
The Drew Hall Grooming Project (2017) Washington D.C. – Installed a one-chair barber within the Drew Hall dormitory on the campus of Howard University exclusively to make haircuts accessible to students who lack access to regular grooming services.
The Clippers for a Cause Project (2017 – 2019) Nationwide – Provided free Wahl tapering clippers barber/beauty school students who volunteered their time providing no-charge grooming services to homeless individuals
The Woodland Grooming Project (2017) Laurel, Md. – Installed a two-chair full-service barber/beauty salon onsite at the Woodland Job Corps facility to make grooming services accessible to the 400 enrolled students living on campus.
The Family Recovery Program Grooming Project (2016) Baltimore, Md. – Installed a full-service barber/beauty salon to provide no-charge grooming services to the 100 clients of this transitional housing facility.
The Phoenix Academy Grooming Project (2014-2016) Annapolis, Md. – Installed a full-service barber/beauty salon to provide no-charge grooming services to students without access to regular hygienic care.
The Veterans Grooming Project (2013 – 2015) Southeast Washington D.C. – RBCF installed a full-service barber/beauty shop within Access Housing, a 100-bed residential shelter for veterans experiencing homelessness.
Lighthouse Shelter Grooming Project (2008 – 2015) Anne Arundel County, Md. – RBCF installed a full-service barber/beauty shop within this 70-bed transitional shelter to provide no-charge grooming services to its clients weekly.
AACPS Student Grooming Project (2013 – 2014) Anne Arundel County – RBCF administered a case-managed project that provided 90 students (who were defined as living in transition) with no-charge grooming services during the school
The Back-to-School Barbershop Project (2010-2013) Baltimore, Md. – In partnership with Downtown Lockerroom stores, Baltimore City school students received no-charge haircuts to begin their first day of school with a neat and clean appearance
Anne Arundel County Foster Parent Grooming Project (2008-2010) Anne Arundel County, Md. – 53 foster parents received no-charge grooming training sessions, products, and equipment to increase their knowledge and skill of cross-ethnic hair.
Franklin Square Elementary/Middle School Grooming Project (2009-2011) Baltimore, Md. – RBCF converted a classroom into a two-chair barbershop for 55 male students to receive no-charge haircuts and grooming training for 33 female students
Beans & Bread Grooming Project (2004) (transitional shelter and feeding program) Baltimore, Md. – Twenty-three male residents received no-charge haircuts to improve their grooming and hygiene.
Agape House Grooming Project (2004-2006) (shelter, chapel, community pantry & youth program) Baltimore, Md. – 30 youth from Agape House received 12 months of self-grooming training sessions, and 40 adult clients received no-charge haircuts and hairstyles.
Butterfly Day Care Grooming Project (2001-2002) Baltimore, Md. – 15 children in the state voucher program received one day of no-charge grooming products and haircuts.
Ethel Elan’s Safe Haven Grooming Project (residential shelter) (2005) Baltimore, Md. – Ten male residents received no-charge haircuts to improve their hygiene and attend job interviews/employment with a neat and clean appearance
Helping Up Mission Grooming Project(2005-2011) (transitional shelter and drug treatment program) Baltimore, Md. – RBCF installed a two-chair barbershop, so shelter residents can give one another haircuts to improve overall hygiene and prepare for job interviews/employment.
Homeless Resource Day Grooming Project (2008- 2018) Anne Arundel County, Md. – RBCF set up a one-day haircutting area to provide no-charge haircuts to 455 of Anne Arundel Counties homeless.
I Can Inc. Grooming Project (oversight, transitional shelter & drug treatment) (2002) Baltimore, Md. – 19 male clients received no-charge haircuts to improve their grooming for interviews/employment.
Karis Home Grooming Project (overnight shelter) (2008-2011) Baltimore, Md. – RBCF installed a single chair styling salon where 54 overnight residents groomed themselves, their children, and each other for job interviews/employment and school.
Make a Difference Day Grooming Project (2007-2009) Glen Burnie, Md. – 22 men, women, and children residing in local shelters were transported to the Salvation Army to receive no-charge haircuts to improve their grooming for job interviews and school.
St. Vincent’s Center Grooming Project (residential treatment center) (2008-2011) Baltimore, Md. – 72 children residing at the center received monthly grooming supplies and equipment to maintain their grooming and hygiene for school.
Vesta Inc. Grooming Project (2002) Anne Arundel County, Md. – Provided haircuts for 35 individuals in their Adult Residential Rehabilitation Program for individuals diagnosed with severe or persistent mental illness.
Winter Relief Grooming Project (2009) Anne Arundel County, Md. – Provided haircuts for 12 individuals participating in Anne Arundel County’s annual revolving shelter to improve their grooming for job interviews, employment, and school.
YWCA of Odenton/Arnold Grooming Project (2002-2003) Anne Arundel County, Md. – Provide haircuts and grooming training sessions for 128 children and adults enrolled at the center’s mentor and job readiness programs
Sarah’s House Transitional Housing for Men, Women & Children (2000-2002) Anne Arundel County, Md. – Provided on and off-site monthly haircuts to the 64-bed facility.